Day: January 7, 2020

Research Paper TopicsResearch Paper Topics

At first glance the study of human anatomy seems to be complex and overwhelming. If you are a student in a technical trade you then won’t have use for the human anatomy course as a scholar, however that is to not say it does not have some value for you too, but we’ll talk about that later on. I’m going to begin with the students from high school to college. Sexual behavior is pure and takes place by way of organic changes and this cannot be questioned as this is part of human life. Informal science training is the science…

Is Being a Patient Care Technician your next job?Is Being a Patient Care Technician your next job?

Patient care technicians are said to be the new LPN’s. The reason for this has to do with the amount of responsibility that the hospital is willing to accept when hiring a patient care technician. More and more hospitals are using patient care technicians to assist in the advance care of patients. The patient care technician will draw blood, perform ECG’s, insert indwelling urinary catheters, IV’s and perhaps pass medications. This amount of responsibility given to the patient care technician can be overwhelming since formal training for this profession can range from a few weeks to a few months. Therefore, it…